Lockdown is over! What are your chicken-plans for this year?

Are you a seasoned chicken owner, thinking of selling eggs or considering new additions to the flock? Whatever your starting point, like me, you probably have your own chicken related plans for summer.

I have always wanted to have a flock of purebred Buff Orpington’s and for any of you who have seen our website or product labels you will know why they are a breed close to my heart!

But every year something seems to get in the way; I inherit some homeless hens, or acquire some ex-commercial rescues or succumb to the temptation of hatching eggs from a favourite pet hen. The result? I have a rag tag, motley crew- but they do make me smile, every morning as they career, en mass, towards the gate to greet me – I know its cupboard love!

I am determined this year is going to be different and with the help of the Domestic Fowl Trust aim to be picking up some pedigree stock. You’ll see, this time next year I’ll have a pretty, purebred group to cluck about!

What are YOUR chicken plans – and will you make them happen?


Enhance your coop and be ready for next winter’s avian flu lock-down?

I don’t know how you’ve fared in your region but in the South East it feels like Spring is definitely on the late side. Our hens are now out in their grassy run but the coop is showing signs of lock down wear and tear!

An area of concrete may not sync with aspirations of a rural idyll but it sure makes mud and mess control easier, so maybe spend the summer planning a washable pen. Or maybe extending your protected area with bird-proof netting is the plan? Either way now is a good time to prepare for the likely lock-down ahead.


Find that special breed you always wanted?

Get on that world-wide-web and find a breeder with your dream breed! Finally, you’ll be on track - a pedigree bird keeper! Imagine every time you see your flock being able to gaze upon those bright yellow/ gold/ black /white shiny feathers on hens to be proud of. If it’s a rare breed, be happy that you are a guardian of another special gene pool. Sounds like game-changing chicken ownership!


Rescue some ex-commercial hens?

If pedigree hens are not the plan, then what about some bargains, some professional layers with their best years ahead of them? Don’t get me started on the condition some of these birds end up in after the first part of their ‘career’! Grrrr! Makes me angry and sad. You can offer some of these lovely girls a second chance, as pets as much as layers. Enjoy their antics, watch them blossom and become their natural cheeky selves. Very rewarding in many ways. Try the British Hen Welfare Trust or google ‘ex-commercial hens’ and you’ll find some one to help you nearby.


Sell your surplus eggs?

You have surplus eggs; you buy the boxes and then set out your stall – will anyone buy? It can all feel a little odd finding yourself joining the low carbon food supply chain – but I have found people really appreciate it. Don’t let eggs get too old – use them yourself and replace with fresh as you build up your clientele. Be regular with your open for business times even if you only sell on certain days make sure that’s clear to passers by – it can take time to create sales but as shoppers get use to you being there and have the change to hand its vital not to let them down if possible. All that change adds up and will be very useful next time you are at the feed store!


Sit in the sun?

Perhaps this all sounds too much like hard work, after all it’s been a long wet winter. For you my friend it’s the chair by the coop or somewhere shady in the garden, throwing treats to your flock, sipping something cool at the end of a long summer day… I can see it now…


Author Jill Wilson

Co-Founder of George’s Chicken Remedies

May 2023


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